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Trees & Shrubs I - P

Ilex decidua (Possum Haw)
Medium shrub, orange berries. Wet soils. Coastal plain.

Ilex glabra (Inkberry)
Broadleaf evergreen shrub. Wet soils. Coastal plain.

Ilex opaca (American Holly)
Broadleaf evergreen tree, spiny leaves. Coastal plain.

Ilex verticillata (Winterberry)
Medium shrub, understory. Red berries all winter. All soils. All zones.

Itea virginica (Virginia Sweet Spire)
Medium shrub. Pinkish fall color, white racemes in July. Wet soils. Coastal plain.

Juglans nigra (Black Walnut)
Valued lumber tree. Moist soils. All zones.

Juniperus virginiana (Red Cedar)
Narrow leaf evergreen tree, columnar habitat.  All soils. Salt tolerant. All zones.

Kalmia angustifolia (Sheeps Laurel)
Small ground cover broadleaf evergreen shrub. Pink flowers mid summer. Dry soils. Coastal plain. Uncommon in Piedmont.

Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel)
Broadleaf evergreen, understory shrub. Pink flowers mid-summer. Dry soils. All zones.

Larix laricina (American Larch)
Native deciduous conifer. Bogs. Mountain zone.

Lindera benzoin (Spicebush)
Medium shrub. Yellow star burst flowers, red fruit. Moist to wet soils. All zones.

Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweet Gum)
Star shaped leaves, yellow-red to purple fall color.  All soils. Coastal plain.

Liriodendron tulipifera (Yellow Popular)
Valued lumber tree. Moist soils. All zones.

Magnolia virginiana (Sweet Bay)
Semi evergreen, understory tree.  Large white fragrant flowers. Moist to wet soils. All zones.

Malus sargenti (Sargeant Crab) *non-native*
Small tree, white flowers, red fruit. Dry to moist soils. Non-native zone.

Myrica pennsylvanica (Northern Bayberry)
Large evergreen shrub, nitrogen fixer. Sandy soils. Salt tolerant. Coastal plain. 

Nyssa sylvatica (Black Gum)
Codominant forest tree, crimson fall color. All soils. All zones.

Pinus rigida (Pitch Pine)
Hard needle pine, medium to large. Moist to wet soils. Coastal plain.

Pinus strobus (White Pine)
Soft needle, valued lumber tree. Well drained soil. Mountain zone and cold ravines in piedmont.

Pinus teada (Loblolly Pine)
Long needles. Moist to wet soils. Coastal plain.

Pinus virginiana (Virginia Pine)
Small tree, short hard needles. Dry soils. All zones.

Platanus occidentalis (Sycamore)
Mottled white/tan bark, picturesque branching. Riparian tree. Flood plain soils. All zones.

Populus deltoides (Cottonwood)
Short lived codominant forest tree. Moist to dry soils. All zones.

Prunus serotina (Black Cherry)
Valued lumber tree, codominant forest tree. Well drained and dry soils.  All zones.

Tree & Shrub Lists

A - B    C - H    I - P    Q - R    S - Z 

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